
Pesantren, Civilization and Humanity

GUSYAHYA.ID – This pesantren belongs to a great master who was also as a blessing for me, one of my masters. I spent more than 15 years in place like this and also more than 120 million’s people of Nahdlatul Ulama.

Assalamu’alaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarokatuhu

Ladies and gentlemen, in the Jogja program of R20 we’ve been presenting you with general background of the culture and civilization that underlies the nature of the Nahdlatul Ulama. So that, Nahdlatul Ulama can have this initiative of dialogue and discussion for inter-religious relationship to address the problem related to religion and to have more peacefull and harmonies future for all humanity.

You have seen not just the temple’s belongs to Hindu community and Buddhis community but you also witness how those temple’s have a saved an even very-very honorable place in the heart of this Muslim majority community.

And now we bring you to this place, this is one of our traditional madrasah our traditional religious educational institution of Nahdlatul Ulama, we have more than 25,000 places like this, this is one of the credles where I was and most of Nahdlatul Ulama people, Nahdlatul Ulama cadres and Nahdlatul Ulama leaders are nurtured and grown and trained, and educated into who we are.

As a pieces of global civilization, Pesantren must be shown its greatness. Pic: mediapandanaran

This pesantren belongs to a great master who was also as a blessing for me, one of my masters. I spent more than 15 years in place like this and also more than 120 million’s people of Nahdlatul Ulama.

This is just to give you a glance about the background why we in Nahdlatul Ulama do what we do. Why we are in position and capacity to defence our beloved country and nation as a nation of Pancasila, as a nation of harmonies life among various different groups and communities with differencies in religion, ethnicity, and languages into one Unitary Nation of The Republic of Indonesia.

We hope this will be the start of introduction between us Nahdlatul Ulama people the people of pesantren with our brothers and sisters of global people of religion of global religious leaders from all offer the world. And be offer our since years intention for not just friendship but also human brotherhood.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is a farewall night of the R20, but this is not the end of what we do, because R20 is main to be just a start. All of us are aware that we have more and more to do for work and this is just to give you a picture of how we are prepare together with you to take what it takes as work to do and order to material life the vision that we have for the better humanity and human civilization.

Thank you very much, I hope you enjoy our evening, we will insyaallah have to have more and more opportunities to engage and to meet again after this.

Wassalamu’alaikum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu

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